Tag Archives: Leadership Tools


Today as we work to strengthen our focus on family, community and personal growth applying the WORD of GOD contextually to our every day lives, we commit to humility. We have had our adversities and here will like to share with you some of the lesson we have learned. Humility is a core ingredient to recognizing the source of strength and to obedience to the WORD of GOD. As a young woman who works in ministry with my husband believing GOD for innovative ways to reach out to young women, I have had to learn to work with people. This is especially difficult when issues and offenses occur and what I have learned is that adversity can be a teacher. We can profit from adversity and live in the spirit of humility and therefore become inclined to make the necessary changes needed to learn from our mistakes.
My quote fro the week is:According to John C. Maxwell’s book, Beyond Talent, “Perseverance is not an issue of talent. It is not an issue of time. It is about finishing. Talent provides hope for accomplishment, but perseverance guarantees it.” I pray that Perseverance in the work of GOD becomes our daily mantra. Don’t give up – give it to GOD in prayer. Pastor B. Jackson